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Wednesday 15 March 2017

Whatever your life's work is, do it well.

"Whatever your life's work is, do it well. A man should do his job so well that the living, the dead, and the unborn could do it no better." Starting today let us do our work each day in a way that no one else could match or exceed. What a legacy we'd leave if we committed to this way of life.

Monday 23 January 2017

Ask and it will be given to you

"Ask and it will be given to you; search, and you will find; knock and the door will be opened for you."

Do you ask for what you want? Do you search? Do you knock? Or do you go it alone as so many do? You can reverse your course today by asking, searching, and knocking.

Tuesday 27 December 2016

"The whole of life is just like watching a film.

"The whole of life is just like watching a film. Only it's as though you always get in ten minutes after the big picture has started, and no one will tell you the plot, so you have to work it out all yourself from the clues."
I can relate to this. No one tells us how to live life. We watch. We mimic. We take advice. We risk. It all works out if we pay attention to people we admire and respect and also follow our own hearts.

Monday 26 December 2016

"Choose a job you love

"Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life."
Think about it. Not ever 'working' and yet succeeding by doing what you love and are gifted for. What an awesome way to live the life we've been given.

Friday 23 December 2016

"Life goes on. No one gets reversal. Take life as it comes."

"Life goes on. No one gets reversal. Take life as it comes."
Here is the bare truth. We each get one life and it moves forward. We don't get to start over. But if we take it as it comes and use it for good for ourselves and others, we all win! And in the end we will be remembered for a life well-lived.

Sunday 18 December 2016

"You've got to embrace discomfort;

"You've got to embrace discomfort; it's the only way you can put yourself in situations where you can learn, and the only way you can keep your senses fresh once you're there."
This quote is brilliant and simple. We'll never attain success without first being willing to experience discomfort, and to embrace it as a "friend." By purposely placing yourself in situations that may cause discomfort, you live and learn on life's edge... where it's most exciting!

"If you pay attention at every moment, you form a new relationship to time.

"If you pay attention at every moment, you form a new relationship to time. In some magical way, by slowing down, you become more efficient, productive, and energetic, focusing without distraction directly on the task in front of you. Not only do you become immersed in the moment, you become that moment."
We actually gain more awareness and focus if we give ourselves to the present. Distraction drops away and we can actually use our time productively. This is a quote that deserves to be read a second time!